These Are the Most (and Least) Liked Airlines in Every Country
If you are flying a new airline you're unfamiliar with, you'll want to know how others feel about it.
Despite what the maps in our fifth grade textbook said, North America isn't the focal point of the world. That extends to airline carriers, which exist on every continent and serve every budget. And just like the North American airlines we know and love (and hate), there's a similar sentiment towards local airlines in every corner on the planet.
For instance, TAP Express is Europe's most loved airline, while TAP Air Portugal is the continent's most hated, according to a new analysis from, a currency exchange platform. S Money came to this conclusion by analyzing the sentiment of airline-related tweets. Below you can see the world's most loved and hated airlines, based on tweets.

In Australia, popular airlines include Jetstar Airways, Qantas and Virgin Australia. Two of the world's most hated airlines are US-based budget airlines, while Chile's Aerovías DAP is one of South America's airlines with the most positive feedback. Check out the maps for most and least hated airlines in more detail below.

You can check out the complete report at
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Opheli Garcia Lawler is a Staff Writer on the News team at Thrillist. Follow her on Twitter @opheligarcia and Instagram @opheligarcia.