Austin's Best Winter Date Ideas, According to Astrology
Because a good date night could be written in the stars.

In our era of modern love, many feel that true romantic connections can’t simply leave you starry-eyed—they must be written in the stars themselves. There’s no doubt that the rising popularity of astrology has influenced more than one person’s decision to swipe right. The sign of a bad relationship could very well be right in your crush’s sign.
While opinions on love and astrology can be found everywhere from TikTok to Prince lyrics, we figured it was time to call in some people who could actually chart out the specific details. So, we reached out to Minx + Muse's Ersa Fay, a tarot specialist who relies on astrology for guidance in her readings, and Tara Valkyrie, an expert in astrology and a trained trauma recovery coach, for details on Austin’s best wintertime date ideas based on your cutie’s constellation.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Kicking off the zodiac is the ram. This fire sign, ruled by Mars, is known to be very action driven. So, don’t be shocked if your Aries sweetie is the one to ask you out on a date. Their direct nature, Valkyrie says, means if “they like someone, they’re going for it.” Accordingly, they’re inclined towards any physical activity that lets them express their enthusiasm for movement. An Aries herself, Fay emphasizes the necessity of a date spot that allows rams to “flirt by using their body.” For a winter-themed way to get an aries’ heart beating, take your high energy sweetheart to one of Austin’s ice skating rinks. Whether you glide on over to the Hill Country Galleria, Chaparral Ice, or the Rink at the Long Center, it will thrill Aries to find a special someone that can keep up with them.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
If you’re meeting up for a date with a Taurus, Valkyrie promises “you’re going to eat well.” Our experts both confirm that Taurus is “all about the sensuality of things.” While that sounds potentially raunchy, it’s not—it more relates to the sign’s love of a good, enjoyable experience. This earth sign loves tangible decadence and the physical experience of being pampered (which brings us back to food). That’s why tasting event mecca, Antonelli’s Cheese Shop, is sure to check all their boxes. Its award-winning experiences are led by knowledgeable cheesemongers, who cover a spectrum of topics, from sessions on how to pair a wedge with wine and series that let you dive deep in the world of gouda. And, since the way to a bull’s heart is through their stomach, leaving them in a food coma all but guarantees another date.

Gemini (May 21 - June 21)
The moment you meet your Gemini crush, the whole twin symbol should make sense—these individuals are sure to have double the personality of any other dating app match. Since they are “generally very sociable,” Valkyrie emphasizes that Gemini will want a date that feels “fun and lighthearted.” Their curious, chatty nature is also why Fay doesn’t support taking them to a movie or show, because “they don’t want any activities where they can’t talk.” Instead, let their jaws and bodies be active at Pinkmas, the immersive holiday take-over at the Museum of Ice Cream. In addition to its mainstay attractions, such as their famous sprinkle-filled pool, you two can also grab some content for the grid by posing in a larger-than-life snow globe and among a plethora of blush-colored trees. After romping around, head to the museum’s cafe for a mulled apple cider, made with Fireball and red wine—which is a terrific adult way to cap off your play day.
Cancer (June 22 - July 22)
When it comes to planning a date for Cancer, Valkyrie describes the sign’s taste as “similar to Taurus, but with a big ol’ scoop of nostalgia.” Connected with the fourth house, which symbolizes concepts of home, these water signs are known for being homebodies. However, Fay says, a better interpretation of the crab’s placement would be how their nurturing character makes them and others, “feel at home wherever they are.” While you might be tempted to stay home and snuggle with your cuddly Cancer on date night, instead indulge their seasonal sentimentality with a beloved childhood treat—s’mores. Head to one of the two locations of hip coffee bar and lounge, Halcyon, for a gourmet take served with a personal mini campfire, so you can roast your marshmallow to a flawless golden brown. And, because care-taking Cancers “show their love through food,” let them serve you a snack of their own creation—it could end up being the sweetest part of the whole hang.

Leo (July 23 - August 22)
The fifth sign of the zodiac is ruled by the sun—and those born during this period certainly shine like the brightest star. Also, like their planetary counterpart, your Leo crush probably sees themselves at the center of all the action around them. But, as good as they are at commanding life’s stage, they are equally talented in sharing the spotlight. Both our experts remarked on Leo’s ability to cheer their partner on and agreed that taking your lion love to a holiday show lets them whoop it up on an even larger scale. This sign loves to dress up, so be sure to glam it up in your best Yuletide velvet when taking them to a show-stopping production like Ballet Austin’s take on The Nutcracker or the ZACH Theatre’s musical adaptation of A Christmas Carol. And, if you’re sure to sprinkle in a considerable amount of compliments to your date throughout the night, you're bound to reap the reward. “When you hype them up, they reciprocate it tenfold,” says Valkyrie.
Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
Those born under this earth sign are often caretakers to their very core. Their position in the sixth house, which represents service, speaks to this quality through the stars themselves. Yet, when it comes to romance, the surprising way to delight your Virgo date lies in you taking on their typical role. “Virgos are used to having to think of everything and being in charge,” says Valkyrie. “And, they will never admit it, but what they secretly want is someone to take care of them.” Nourish their giving heart and their love of nature, by taking them on a day trip to the Elgin Christmas Tree Farm. Pack a cooler with their preferred beverages and treats, so you two can snack down in one of the field’s picnic areas. After your outdoor feast, brandish a bow saw and cut down your very own holiday pine. To really drive your organized, detailed-oriented Virgo sweetie wild, pre-plan to have a tree stand and skirt already ready to go when you return home.

Libra (September 22 - October 22)
Dress to impress if your Tinder game is strong enough to lure the interest of a Libra. Ruled by Venus, this air sign values beauty in all things (which means every aspect of their aesthetic, from their shoes to their living room couch, is stylish to a fault). Their impeccable taste deserves to see and be seen. “Similar to Leo, Libra wants a date that they can get glam for,” says Valkyrie. An evening of sipping drinks, while lounging in the sparkly decor of a seasonal pop-up bar, will draw this sign in like a Black Friday sale. It gives them all the glitz and one-on-one personal interaction, their heart desires. Take them to over-the-top Christmas experience, The Miracle on 5th Street Pop-Up cocktail bar at The Eleanor. Its cozy, nostalgic drink specials will have you warming up to each other before the second round. But, if you want to pull out all the stops for your Libra love, reserve a dinner in a private igloo at the Hotel Van Zandt. The globe’s chic setting is the ultimate background for a couple’s photo shoot—maybe you’ll even get the snap that makes you two Insta official.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
More often than not, Scorpio is portrayed as the spookiest sign in the zodiac. Just look up any astrology meme account, and you’ll see what we mean. It doesn't help that they are ruled by Pluto, a planet that is literally the namesake of the god of the underworld, and associated with the witchy vibes of destruction and transformation. However, don't expect a Wednesday Addams clone to show up for your date. Our astrologists instead describe Scorpios as passionate, deep souls. “Depth of experience is important to them, so your date plans should allow for meaningful moments—ones that let Scorpio plumb to the core of who you are as a person,” says Fay. Show you’re down to dig into the unconscious by scheduling a tarot session for the two of you with the resident mystics at ethereal playspace, Minx + Muse or another local specialist. The intimate meeting and the insight given will make even the darkest of Scorpios as giddy as a kid on Christmas morning.
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
The adventurous nature of the archer wants a partner who is down to explore—a person who, like themselves, craves to travel far beyond the corners of their own backyard. This fire sign is a wanderer, whose lucky, optimistic personality makes them a great companion for journeys both short and long. “Sagittarius’ association with the ninth house makes them the type of individual who learns and grows through traveling,” says Fay. This trait should be at the forefront of your mind when planning a date for your Sag lover. Encounter new spaces without leaving Austin's city limits at Fortlandia. This annual exhibit of interactive installations, hosted at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, will take you on a voyage through the minds of the artists and architectural firms that created the pieces and prove to Sagittarius you are more than worthy of their Southwest companion pass.
Capricorn (December 21 - January 20)
The tenth sign of the zodiac, Capricorn’s loyal and strong energy can make a solid match for the individual who can accept and understand their drive for achievement. This earth sign craves a task-based date that serves their need for accomplishment—the kind of experience that lets them bond with their crush through learning something new. Our astrologists suggest taking a Capricorn cutie out for a crafty class, such as the ones offered at The Art Garage. The space’s options include piecing together mosaics, painting pottery, and making tree ornaments through glass fusion. This last activity is sure to give you bonus points for touching upon Capricorn’s love of holiday traditions. Just be sure to not overdo it. When courting this sign, avoid “super sappy stuff,” says Valkyrie. “Especially on a first date, they won’t want to do anything that could potentially make them look silly.”

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
You’ll want to throw the tried-and-true rule book out the window when planning a date for your Aquarian crush. “They want the weird stuff,” says Valkyrie. "Anything mainstream won’t appeal to the hipsters of the zodiac." Ruled by Uranus, Fay adds, “This sign is interested in disruption and questions of justice.” So, they want a date that stimulates their unique intellect and appeals to their out-of-the-box tastes. Engage this air sign by catching a film at arthouse movie theatre, AFS Cinema. Founded by Dazed & Confused director and Austin legend, Richard Linklater, this spot exclusively screens the kind of low-budget indies and hard-to-find cult classics that will be irresistible to an Aquarius. One good pick for December is the The Thin Man, a romantic-mystery, straight from the black-and-white reels of 1934 that still lets you squeeze in some seasonal spirit with a plot that involves a Christmas murder.
Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
This water sign, ruled by Neptune, is the true definition of a dreamy romantic. They tend to “see the world through heart-shaped glasses,” says Faye. Accordingly, you’ll want to give your 12th House sweetheart the kind of date that lets them live out a meet-cute fantasy IRL, complete with lots of hand-holding and staring deep into each other’s eyes. A prime combination of romance and Pisces’ love of nature is local holiday favorite, the Trail of Lights at Zilker Park. Celebrating its 58th year this December, the annual light installation will have you two walking through a winter wonderland of more than two million bulbs that includes 90 festive trees, light tunnels, and more than 70 other holiday displays. If that isn’t enough to electrify the chemistry, suggest a post-Trail night-cap at Mozart’s Coffee Roasters. While there, you can share an espresso shake, and be dazzled by the cafe’s famous Annual Light Show. By the end of the night, Pisces will be seeing the spark of love.