Someone Just Ate an Entire Rack of Ribs on a Plane

The incriminating photo went viral on Twitter.

Cappi Thompson/Moment/Getty Images

Members of the villain community aside, everyday we all wake up and try our best to be decent human beings. That, to me, includes living by the oft-quoted phrase "live and let live," which brings about a certain non-judgmental approach to how others go about their daily lives.

But there must be a limit, and one meat-eating plane passenger recently tested it. Twitter user Lanna Tolla recently posted a tweet (which has since gone viral) captioned "No chance is the guy next to me eating a full rack of ribs plus sides on this plane."

Under her words of disbelief, the incriminating photo showed exactly that. A passenger sitting in the middle seat with an entire rack of ribs—with BBQ sauce, fries, corn, and all, of course—comfortably laid out in a takeout box on their lap. According to the internet and the Washington Post, the ribs were from Glasgow Airport's Frankie and Benny's, a UK restaurant chain.

The internet was quick to take sides. Some Twitter users praised the traveler for their confidence, hitting them with comments such as "Love that for him" and "My absolute hero....if you don't repect [sic] this power move it says more about you than him 😂😂😂."

More where those who disagreed, and shivered at the sole thought of being the rib fan's neighbor. "This is a realistic nightmare," tweeted one user. Others suggested a call for backup. "Call the air marshall [sic]," read another tweet.

Take a look at the debate as it unfolds in the responses to the tweet below:

What do you think? Is this OK? What foods are OK to eat on a plane, and which aren't?

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Serena Tara is a Staff Writer on the News team at Thrillist. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram.
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